Mental training could be more important, if not the defining factor in a breakthrough performance. This is especially true in a longer endurance event with many outside influences that cannot be controlled. If you aren't mentally tough and ready to overcome obstacles, you may as well be physically unfit in my mind. How do you become mentally tough? Here are some suggestions that have worked for me in the past:
- On slated "key" workout days, overcome external obstacles such as adverse weather or fatigue. Obviously it isn't bright to push through injury or illness, but anything else will strengthen you for race day.
- Practice a mantra or altering your focus when things get painful. Racing isn't comfortable, but the memory of pain is temporary. In my experience, I never remember the pain for THAT long. I have had a number of mantras depending on the race distance. Usually, I focus them around relaxation and forward progress for a longer event.
- Train for the conditions and know the course. I said this before coming out of Arizona, but was reminded of it again. Last weekend, the Chippewa 50k trail was under more than a foot of snow. This will definitely change the game plan entering this race. Just think if I wasn't prepared for that challenge mentally before entering...yikes!
This coming week I will be taking it easy prior to race day. Hoping it warms up a touch to make the course a bit more runnable in sections!